Granite Chips
Granite Chips
President Bill opened our first meeting of 2014 with 11 members and one guest (PDG Sonny Holt) present.
Joe Preddy offered the blessing, remembering Chet Briggs who passed away last week and also asking Rotarians to keep Chet’s widow Karen Lane, and Lucille Aja and Roy Somaini in our thoughts as they continue to recover from illness (Roy) and injury (Lucille).
It was noted that a service remembering the life of Chet Briggs will be held January 25th at the Old Labor Hall, which played a very large part in Chet’s life in Barre over the years. No time has been announced yet for this service.
Secretary Sue introduced Sonny Holt, who spoke briefly about a new satellite club sponsored by the Randolph Rotary that is meeting in the morning. He said it’s comprised of younger members and an optional meal is provided for those wishing to have breakfast. Dues for the satellite club are $12 a month, and Sonny also noted that members of the satellite club must also be members of the sponsoring club until Rotary International grants a charter to the new club. Establishment of a satellite club or an on-line “e-club” has been discussed in recent weeks at our meetings, and Sonny’s comments provide some food for thought for next week’s board of director’s meetings, although no one has made a case yet for how establishment of a satellite club or an e-club will be of benefit to our existing Rotary Club in Barre. More discussion is sure to follow in the weeks and months ahead as we wrestle with our dwindling membership and attendance issues. PDG Sonny also sent President Bill and Jim Catone (membership chair) an e-mail following the meeting, critiquing the Barre club’s meeting, which I will be happy to share with members who are interested in Sonny’s thoughts rather than posting the e-mail on this site.
There was no program this week (club assembly). President Bill passed around a sign-up sheet for the Give-a-Gallon campaign. Chip Castle has conation containers at his Barre Housing Authority office on Washington Street. A handful of members signed up to pick up containers and bring them to specific locations in town and to return the donations to Chip as appropriate. More club members are needed to help distribute the containers. President Bill has the list of businesses that have participated in the past, so contact him for information.
Dick S. proposed a fine on Tom Babic for wearing Sue’s name badge. Despite a lame defense from Tom, the fine of 1+9 passed. I will depart from my earlier comment about the critique of the club and mention that it was “suggested” by Sonny that we eliminate fines (for a number of reasons). Any thoughts of club members on this would be greatly appreciated.
Sergeant-at-Arms Ted pulled the winning ticket, which I think belonged to Dick. No word on the search for the magic marble, though I believe it was futile.