Granite Chips December 19,2012
The bell was rung (a bit late) and we did the usual song & pledge. Father Daniel led us through a wonderful unison invocation. Then Secretary Sue led us through the introduction of guests:
- John Lincoln, accompanist for the Rotabarrians
- Christopher Babic, Tom’s son
- Lori, Penny, Rita & Thea, Tom’s office people
- Diane Noyes, Bill’s wife
- Linda Milne, George’s wife
- Margaret Fitts, Homer’s wife (yes, Homer was here, too!)
- Kathleen Barnes, Jack’s wife
- Barb Goulette, Ted’s wife
- David Duke, Claire’s husband
Homer said he joined the club in 1946.
Lunch was served – roast beef so rare it practically mooed. Just the way most people seemed to like it!
Claire shilled for the Granite
Karen set up a mini “Five for Water” project (54H2O), which is a partnership between Rotary International and Green Mountain Coffee Roasters that sells organic coffee to raise money for clean water projects. Karen had bags of coffee for sale for $10 each.
Tom gave a happy Dollar because he was born the same year Homer joined the club.
Bill N. proposed a future fine – 1+9 on Tom. Bill was working the door, and apparently Tom showed up with all these guests and no money. He says the check is in the mail. Bill’s fine is for 2 weeks from now, just in case the check never arrives. Claire tried to amend the fine to include that the check also has to clear the bank. The fine passed (though there didn’t seem to be any action on the amendment).
Roy fined Tom 1+9 for not allowing Jim to sit. As so often happens, our president had tried to sit to enjoy at least one bit of his meal, when Tom rose to propose the fine, thereby forcing El Presidente to once again rise to his feet. The fine passed.
We passed the basket to collect gratuities for our servers – something we do each year to thank them for putting up with us for a whole year.
Karl proposed a fine of 1+9 on everybody who isn’t wearing anything “Christmas-y”. With most people wearing shades of red and other holiday attire, the fine passed on those who were in less festive garb.
Homer gave a Happy $10 in honor of being at the meeting.
Elizabeth gave a Happy Dollar from our server Robin. Last year at this time she was giving birth to her son.
Leo proposed a fine on Father Daniel because the invocation – while lovely – was taken from the internet. Daniel defended himself by saying he pulled bits and pieces off the web, but put his own spin on it. There were questions about his sermons, but we never got a straight answer out of him. In spite of a voice vote that seemed to go the other way, President Jim declared the fine passed.
Carol read a couple poems based on “The Night Before Christmas”, and admitted that they came from the internet.
The Rotabarrians regaled us with song. And not too badly, if I do say so myself.
Dick then led us in a few Christmas carols.
Roy proposed a fine of 1+9 on George for dropping his “la las” during “Deck the Halls”. I don’t remember there being a vote, but I assume George paid up.
Our collected gratuities were presented to our servers Robin and Betty, who thanked us and said we’re fun to work with. Boy, do we have them fooled!
WE had extra raffle winners today, not only for the usual $5 & marble draw, but also for the 5 poinsettias on the tables. Bill N. won the usual raffle, which was very suspect as he was in charge of the tickets. Leo won one of the plants, which was also suspect as he was drawing the winners. Other plant winners were Jack, Bob, Barb and Jim (another suspect winner, as he bought the plants).
For the benediction, Father Leo reminded us all to let our light shine over the darkness, and he sang a song of hope – “Never Walk Alone” from Carousel, with many of us joining in.
Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, all. And remember, there’s no meeting next week.