Granite Chips February 22, 2012
President Karen tried to open the meeting, but Maestro Richard Sharoui kept us on the opening note for an eternity as he warmed up the keyboard. Since we were downstairs and the piano was available, Dick did not want to lose the opportunity to sing, with music. More in this later.
And sing we did, followed by the pledge of allegiance, and a gracious grace was said by Michael Knight.
within moments, Little Dick asked the gavel to be passed as he fined President karen for rushing the opening of the meeting while he tiurned on his organ. No offense offered there. The fine did not pass.
After we ate, the Maestro wanted to play with his organ again. He asked us to sing to songs, confident that we would know the words. At this point, I can;t remember the songs. The refrain was sung loudly, but the humming and was an ebb and flow of sound as Dick played merrily along his way.
George Milne fined everyone at the "other" table with Rotarians at it, with the exception of Michael and Roy, who he says were the only two Rotarians attempting to sing along at said other table. The fine of 1 and9 passed.
President Karen gave a Happy $ for last week's program which she found to be rewarding and interesting. She thanked Bertil for having started the tradition of inviting recipients of our donations to lunch to pick up their checks.
Speaking of Bertil, he triumphantly returned from Honduras with a report:
- He purchased seven $100 doors for the renovation of the old hospital
- He wired five rooms, pulling the wire through the old conduit.
- He painted two rooms and one hallway
- He partiicpated in the opening of a facility for pregnant mothers
- For fun, he visited the Mayan ruins
Elizabeth LaPerle announced that she is looking for ushers and ticket sellers to work at the Basketball tournaments in March. She has a sign up sheet.
Elizabeth also talked to a gentlemen at Spaulding High School and he will find 2-3 candidates to be considered for the RYLA team. Interviews of the students are scheduled for March 30th. President Karen volunteered to be on the panel if no one else volunteers.
President Karen passed around a Thank you note from Studio Place Arts.
Secretary Susan has returned from a vacation in Florida. Her report included introductions of guests and future members, Carl Haasper and Todd Murphy, from TD Bank and Sherwin Williams, respectively.
Program Director, Joe Preddy introduced School Superintendent John Bacon from the Barre Supervisory Union.
John presented the school budgets for Spaulding High School, Barre City Elementary, and Barre Town Elementary.
There won't be any cahnge to the tax rate for the city and the town has a decrease of 1.5 cents.
Due to displacement from Hurricane Irene, the city has more students this year.
His presentation qucikly became a question and answer session. The average cost per student is $12,000. This is school number 250 out of 260 schools from most to least.
There are 2800 students in Barre.
Questions arose regarding the cost for Special Education students, and for Administration versus Education. Joe pointed out that it is all spent on education.
Bertil, to celebrate his return had the winning raffle ticket.
Meeting adjourned
Bertil Agell thanks John bacon for bringing the school budget to our meeting