Granite Chips

The Newsletter of the Barre Rotary Club


Give, Live, Laugh


Notes from January 18, 2012 meeting at The Hilltop


Upcoming Rotary Programs


Whit Maxfield

Civil War


Bruce Lisman

Campaign Vermont



Report from Fundraising Committee



It was a small but lively group today.  Dick started the song before the bell rang, and it was a particularly rowdy rendition.  The pledge followed, then a silent grace, which led to a rousing (and harmonious) chorus of “Amen!”


Roy proposed a fine of 1+4 on Joe for being a non-Vermonter.  Apparently Roy witnessed Joe fall in the icy parking lot and rather than being sympathetic, felt a little humiliation was in order.  Joe said he can’t stand to offer a defense because he believes he broke several bones.  Roy then felt bad about picking on Joe, but still wanted the fine to pass.  It didn’t.


Tom proposed a fine of 1+9 on President Karen because the meeting started with no bell and the grace was in silence.  Tom noted we are not a very quiet club and all this silence goes against our grain.  It was noted that our president is a librarian so perhaps silence is her default position.  The fine passed.


P. Karen gave a Happy Dollar to announce the library Chinese Banquet fund-raiser scheduled for next Saturday, January 28th at the K of C.


Secretary Sue rose to give her report, but there was nothing to say.


Tom gave a Happy Dollar for the birth of a new granddaughter, Adele.  He gave a second Happy Dollar cuz son David actually delivered the baby while the doctor was out of the room.  Rotarians expressed their opinion that there should be a discount in the doctor’s fees.


Jim, who is our membership chair, said he will be implementing a membership project each month.  This month it’s Leads.  He passed out index cards and asked each of us to write down the name of someone who we think would make a great Rotarian.  Jim said he and members of the committee will do all the follow up.  If you weren’t at the meeting and have a great idea, share it with Jim, Kevin or Michael.


Carol & Amber presented a check for $1,750 to the library, representing the proceeds from the October 2011 Joint Service Clubs dinner.


Joe gave an update on the Dictionary Project, and said details have been worked out with the Elks Club about who will do what.  This year, the Elks are giving out dictionaries and we’ll give atlases.  Next year, we’ll go back to both dictionaries and atlases and the Elks will give thesauruses.  Carol will touch base with the district simplified grant coordinator to fill them in on the change in plans.


Joe talked about the work needed at Rotary Park.  He passed around a sheet that gave a history of the project and showed our balance of $8,900+ which has been raised and dedicated for improvements at Rotary Park.  There was discussion about the picnic shelter, possible installation of bathrooms and lights, and restoration of the ball field.  Roy said the Club set aside the idea of the bathrooms in its planning.


Roy made a motion for someone to approach the city manager and express the idea that the Rotary money could be added to the Semprebon Funds to be used for improvements to Rotary Park.  The motion died for lack of a second.


There was general support voiced for installing lights and cleaning up the area, and for rehabilitating the ballfield.  Roy made the motion to make up a proposal to do the lights and spruce up the shelter.  Prez Karen seconded the motion and offered an amendment:  to look into costs associated with rehabilitating the ball field and submit a proposal to the Semprebon Fund Committee for consideration.  Carol seconded the amendment.  The motion carried with all voting aye.


Amber, Joe, Ted and Roy volunteered to serve on a committee to head up the project.


Carol reminded everyone of tomorrow evening’s City Place public presentation at 7:00 PM at the Opera House.


Roy said he had a great group at his house brainstorming fundraising ideas.  A report will come to the club at the February 8th meeting.


Joe announced upcoming programs (see top of the Chips).


Jack held the winning raffle ticket.