Granite Chips March 16 2011
We’re back on home turf after two weeks of field trips. The meeting seemed to start late, but President Claire said she was basing her bell ringing on the official clock, and she turned it to us so we could notice the time. She said Jim – as our Sergeant at Arms – is the responsible party if the clock is wrong. More on this later.
There was signing, pledging and a general plea to say grace. Carol stepped into the breach with her trusty (and brief) Quaker blessing.
Sue started off with a Happy Dollar. She said it was originally going to be a fine, but she changed her mind. The HD was on behalf of Jim, who is self-confident enough to take P. Claire’s ribbing (see above).
Roy then proposed a fine on Jim because the clock P. Claire showed us actually said 11:00 AM – obviously a casualty of not having been turned back for daylight savings time. There were several defenses for Jim, including Jim himself, who said his orders were to make sure the clock was out. There were no orders about setting the time. The fine didn’t pass – it didn’t even receive one “yea” vote.
Roy then immediately proposed a fine on El Presidente for not noticing that the clock was incorrect. The fine passed unanimously.
There was fried fish for lunch. Those sitting with me were very pleased.
After much munching, P. Claire started the business portion of the meeting. She said the board, which had met right before lunch, was bringing forward a recommendation that the Club made a donation to Home Share, which is raising money towards a $200,000 matching grant. The board recommended the Club donate all the money in our contingency fund after assuring ourselves of the balance. Elizabeth said the approximate balance is $400. Karen moved approval of the board’s recommendation, seconded by Lucille. The motion carried.
There were other announcements made:
- The Rotary Breakfast will be held on July 30th this year. Mark your calendars now! Ron is once again serving as chair of the event, and the board is looking for someone to serve as co-chair to learn the ropes.
- The District is sponsoring a leadership conference on April 2nd at Dartmouth. Jim is going and would welcome company, so if you are interested in attending the conference, talk to Jim or Claire.
- Roy discussed the award the club can be presented with at the district conference. He said we’re short on international points, and encouraged club members to make contributions to the Rotary Foundation. Regardless of the amount, if all club members make a donation, we will have enough points to qualify for the award.
- Prez Claire said she owed Elizabeth an apology after last week’s comments about attendance reports. It seems Elizabeth was following orders and faxing the reports, but the fax machine broke, which she decided not to blame Elizabeth for.
- Roy said he has been cooking dinners for the residents at Good Samaritan Haven. He’s scheduled to cook on Thursday, April 28th, but is unable to do so, so he’s looking for a volunteer. Mario stepped up to the plate (get it?) Roy said the last time he cooked dinner for the GSH gang it cost him $175 in plumber’s fees to unclog his plugged disposal.
- President Claire said she will give her book report at the last meeting of the month – she read 15 books over her winter vacation.
- Michael said he was acting on behalf of Jack – he had checked in at Spaulding and discovered we have received an application for RYLA.
- Jim asked if anybody has seen the club banner. If you know where it is and are holding it hostage, let us know what the ransom is and we’ll pass the collection plate.
- Amber announced a benefit dinner at the Wayside on March 22nd to benefit Special Olympics. 50% of your dinner check that evening will be donated to SO. Amber said she’ll be waiting tables that evening, so stop by and stiff her.
- Mario said the car has been purchased for the car raffle, and he hopes to have the tickets available next week.
- Roy said the Rotary Spring Expo has 34 vendors with 40 booths to date, with another 19 waiting in the wings (no applications on file yet, but rumor has it they’re coming).
- Roy said there are tickets available for the April 12th Pushing Out Polio event at the Capitol Plaza.
- Roy is hosting a showing of the film “The Final Inch” at the Aldrich Library on April 7th.
Sue gave the secretary’s report, but only after reminding P. Claire. Because we have been on the road with field trips, this was the first opportunity to do March birthdays and anniversaries:
Birthdays Anniversaries
Bertil Anita
Valerie Valerie (a double celebration!)
Jim Jim (another double!)
Michael Elizabeth – 14 years (she must have joined as a teenager)
George Dee
Roy introduced our speaker, Lori Baker. Lori is the executive director of the Greater Barre Community Justice Center, and Roy serves on their reparative board and board of directors.
Lori said the GBCJC is one of 12 such justice centers in the state, which are funded through the Agency of Human Resources. The purpose is to address conflict and crime in an alternative way. She said the premise is restorative justice; a look at who has been harmed and how, and how to make amends. It’s not about punishment, and the victims always have a voice.
Lori gave examples of how they have worked with youth on restorative justice and restitution, and said they have worked with people ranging in age from 11-78 years old.
They work with people who are both pre- and post-charge and sentencing. If those who are referred to them are successful in the restorative program, then the charges can be dropped.
The CJC also runs a re-entry program for serious and violent offenders who are nearing the completion of their sentence. Working in conjunction with the Re-entry Advisory Committee and the Department of Corrections, a team is formed to work with the offender as they move out of prison, find a job, receive counseling and other services, and develop the skills to needed to function in the community. The program is funded with a federal grant and DOC transitional housing funds. The criteria to participate in the program includes having significant ties to Barre, finding housing and receiving approval from the Advisory Committee.
The Club thanked Lori for her presentation.
President Claire said she has been collecting little soaps from hotels and is donating them to Barre City Elementary & Middle School, which will distribute them to students who need them. She suggested others do the same when they are traveling.
Sue held the winning raffle ticket. I don’t know if she had any luck with the marbles.