Granite Chips November 28, 2012
President Jim will be sending a separate report via Email to cover the dialogue we had this week.
There were lots of happy dollars this week, from Roy, Tom, Bill, Claire,Karl and a fine or two as well.
Foundation Chair Roy, expressed his appreciation for the program presented by Marilyn Bedell on November 7, 2012, detailing the programs of the Foundation and how funding works.
He also rolled out the Campaign for the Barre Rotary Club.
The club has a Foundation to build with its contributions for the year 2012 to 2013.
Our objective and goal is to have Every Rotarian make a contribution to the Foundation, in accordance with our Club's Vision Plan, voted on by the members in October. A recommend amount of giving was not set. Any amount of contribution will be help us attain our goal will add to the work of fighting hunger and poverty through Rotary Foundation programs.
In order to track our progress, Roy created a Brick Foundation for the membership to build. There is a brick with each member's name on it, and as they make a contribution, their brick will be added to the wall. The amount of the contribution is not posted on the brick, or the wall. A total of all contributions will be reported monthly. At this point, we have 4 bricks on the wall.
Contributions can be made payable to: The Rotary Foundation and given to Roy.
For more information on the Rotary Foundation, Google The Rotary Foundation. If you have any questions, Please contact Roy Somaini 802-622-0555.
George Milne won the weekly raffle, and seemed joyous in having done so.
Next week's meeting will be on Monday evening, a holiday celebration with the Kiwanis, Lions, and Altrusa Clubs. Contact Pres. Jim to make a reservation.