Granite Chips October 24, 2012
Posted by Carolyn Dawes
on Oct 24, 2012
We gathered with the usual song and pledge, then listened as a tongue-tied Joe said grace – he was not his usual eloquent self today.
After some speculation on what was for lunch (there was ketchup on the table, so most bets were on some type of fried potato, though apparently Bertil’s vote was for pasta), lunch turned out to be a trip to the salad bar, steak and yes, fried taters.
Roy gave a Happy Dollar for being here today. He woke early, then fell back asleep, only to wake around 6:55 AM thinking it was 6:55 PM.
Claire gave a Happy Dollar for the re-opening of North Main Street. She also gave a Sad Dollar. She stood outside Soups N’ Greens this morning to see the grand opening procession down the street, only to later find out it had started at the Depot and moved south. Not only did she miss the procession, she froze her patooty off.
Karen made an announcement – Don & Alice Collins are eager for visitors. Call first if you are available to stop by. Many Rotarians expressed kind thoughts and memories about Don, who has a member of our club for over 50 years, and served as club secretary for 25 years. Elizabeth said last year club members stopped by Don & Alice’s house for some caroling, and suggested we do it again this year.
Bertil gave a Happy Dollar so we would listen to one of his stories. Apparently the SCORE office in Montpelier is a hotbed of sedition. Last week they lost their internet service, and after several days attempting to find the problem, found out that building owner USA (it’s the federal building) deemed SCORE too dangerous to have access to the outside world. Central Vermont is a safer place today because of the feds’ action.
Jack gave a Happy Dollar – his youngest son’s wife just had a baby girl. This makes grandchild #7.
At this point in the meeting, President Jim was noticed slipping out of the room without notice. We were left feeling vulnerable, unprotected, bereft. More on this later.
Carol gave an update on the Dictionary Project, saying the books have arrived and she, Joe & Elizabeth are making distribution arrangements with the schools. Carol said she got word yesterday that the club has received a District Simplified Grant again this year, which will cover ½ of the costs for the books.
Roy proposed a fine of 1+9 on Prez Jim for leaving the ship of state unattended (see earlier note) in choppy waters. Joe said it was clearly a case of lack of training, and the name of John Castaldo was invoked as being responsible. (new members will wonder about this reference – John Castaldo was a former club president upon whom much abuse was heaped (all in good fun, usually) regarding trainings of his successor – and all other presidents to follow.) The fine passed.
Dick announced that the Rotabarrians are rehearsing on Thursdays at 4:30 PM at his house. All are welcome!
P. Jim welcomed new members. Sponsor Sue Poczobut presented the official Rotary pin to new member Sandy Rousse, and Sponsor President Jim presented the official Rotary pin to new member Phil Gentile. Sandy & Phil were welcomed with hearty rounds of applause.
Bill N. proposed a find of 1+9 on Carol for holding the club banner hostage. Carol offered no defense, as the banner is still ensconced in the back seat of her car. Fully expecting the vote to go against her, Carol was digging a dollar out of her wallet when Claire interrupted with something that had nothing to do with the fine. Claire announced that Obie has spent quite a bit of time this summer in the hospital. She passed around a card for Obie, and another for Homer Fitts, and asked club members to sign.
Thinking we would get back to the fine, Carol continued to reach for her money. Instead, Joe gave an update on Rotary Park, saying the picnic tables are installed, and the structure will be pressure washed in the spring.
Bertil seconded the fine, though most people had forgotten about it by now.
Roy said he talked to Bill Hedberg, who informed him that Obie is back in Florida for the winter.
Carol insisted on voting the fine so she could pay her dollar. It passed.
As usual, Prez Jim was in the process of forgetting the secretary report, but there was much prompting from the peanut gallery, so he called on Secretary Sue, who said there was nothing to report.
Elizabeth introduced our speaker, Jordan Quesles, a Spaulding High School junior, who was accompanied by members of the SHS guidance Department – Peggy Portalance and David Nicholson. Elizabeth said Jordan was one of two students Barre Rotary sponsored at RYLA last year (Rotary Youth Leadership Academy).
Peggy thanked the club for providing opportunities like RYLA for students.
Jordan invited club members to ask questions about his RYLA experience. There was discussion about development of leadership skills, recognizing peoples’ strengths, utilization of skills, and techniques for recruitment.
Jordan talked about the various activities he participated at during RYLA, and the selection process. He said he would definitely recommend attending to any sophomore, and the skills he learned can be put to immediate use – there’s no waiting to reap the benefits.
At Spaulding, Jordan has taken several honors courses, and is currently taking AP calculus. He is interested in ultimately teaching history.
There was discussion about use of technology in the classroom, and Jordan said he only has a Tracfone. Carol & Bill N. both nodded in agreement, and Bill gave a Happy Dollar for those of us who aren’t part of the iPhone generation.
Visit other local Rotary Clubs – it’s fun and counts as a make up!
12:15 PM
Capitol Plaza
Central Vermont
6:15 PM
The Steak House
7:15 AM
Waterbury Senior Center
7:15 AM
The Sugarbush Inn
12:15 PM
Grant’s Camp
6:15 PM
Senior Center
After some speculation on what was for lunch (there was ketchup on the table, so most bets were on some type of fried potato, though apparently Bertil’s vote was for pasta), lunch turned out to be a trip to the salad bar, steak and yes, fried taters.
Roy gave a Happy Dollar for being here today. He woke early, then fell back asleep, only to wake around 6:55 AM thinking it was 6:55 PM.
Claire gave a Happy Dollar for the re-opening of North Main Street. She also gave a Sad Dollar. She stood outside Soups N’ Greens this morning to see the grand opening procession down the street, only to later find out it had started at the Depot and moved south. Not only did she miss the procession, she froze her patooty off.
Karen made an announcement – Don & Alice Collins are eager for visitors. Call first if you are available to stop by. Many Rotarians expressed kind thoughts and memories about Don, who has a member of our club for over 50 years, and served as club secretary for 25 years. Elizabeth said last year club members stopped by Don & Alice’s house for some caroling, and suggested we do it again this year.
Bertil gave a Happy Dollar so we would listen to one of his stories. Apparently the SCORE office in Montpelier is a hotbed of sedition. Last week they lost their internet service, and after several days attempting to find the problem, found out that building owner USA (it’s the federal building) deemed SCORE too dangerous to have access to the outside world. Central Vermont is a safer place today because of the feds’ action.
Jack gave a Happy Dollar – his youngest son’s wife just had a baby girl. This makes grandchild #7.
At this point in the meeting, President Jim was noticed slipping out of the room without notice. We were left feeling vulnerable, unprotected, bereft. More on this later.
Carol gave an update on the Dictionary Project, saying the books have arrived and she, Joe & Elizabeth are making distribution arrangements with the schools. Carol said she got word yesterday that the club has received a District Simplified Grant again this year, which will cover ½ of the costs for the books.
Roy proposed a fine of 1+9 on Prez Jim for leaving the ship of state unattended (see earlier note) in choppy waters. Joe said it was clearly a case of lack of training, and the name of John Castaldo was invoked as being responsible. (new members will wonder about this reference – John Castaldo was a former club president upon whom much abuse was heaped (all in good fun, usually) regarding trainings of his successor – and all other presidents to follow.) The fine passed.
Dick announced that the Rotabarrians are rehearsing on Thursdays at 4:30 PM at his house. All are welcome!
P. Jim welcomed new members. Sponsor Sue Poczobut presented the official Rotary pin to new member Sandy Rousse, and Sponsor President Jim presented the official Rotary pin to new member Phil Gentile. Sandy & Phil were welcomed with hearty rounds of applause.
Bill N. proposed a find of 1+9 on Carol for holding the club banner hostage. Carol offered no defense, as the banner is still ensconced in the back seat of her car. Fully expecting the vote to go against her, Carol was digging a dollar out of her wallet when Claire interrupted with something that had nothing to do with the fine. Claire announced that Obie has spent quite a bit of time this summer in the hospital. She passed around a card for Obie, and another for Homer Fitts, and asked club members to sign.
Thinking we would get back to the fine, Carol continued to reach for her money. Instead, Joe gave an update on Rotary Park, saying the picnic tables are installed, and the structure will be pressure washed in the spring.
Bertil seconded the fine, though most people had forgotten about it by now.
Roy said he talked to Bill Hedberg, who informed him that Obie is back in Florida for the winter.
Carol insisted on voting the fine so she could pay her dollar. It passed.
As usual, Prez Jim was in the process of forgetting the secretary report, but there was much prompting from the peanut gallery, so he called on Secretary Sue, who said there was nothing to report.
Elizabeth introduced our speaker, Jordan Quesles, a Spaulding High School junior, who was accompanied by members of the SHS guidance Department – Peggy Portalance and David Nicholson. Elizabeth said Jordan was one of two students Barre Rotary sponsored at RYLA last year (Rotary Youth Leadership Academy).
Peggy thanked the club for providing opportunities like RYLA for students.
Jordan invited club members to ask questions about his RYLA experience. There was discussion about development of leadership skills, recognizing peoples’ strengths, utilization of skills, and techniques for recruitment.
Jordan talked about the various activities he participated at during RYLA, and the selection process. He said he would definitely recommend attending to any sophomore, and the skills he learned can be put to immediate use – there’s no waiting to reap the benefits.
At Spaulding, Jordan has taken several honors courses, and is currently taking AP calculus. He is interested in ultimately teaching history.
There was discussion about use of technology in the classroom, and Jordan said he only has a Tracfone. Carol & Bill N. both nodded in agreement, and Bill gave a Happy Dollar for those of us who aren’t part of the iPhone generation.
Your scribe doesn’t know who was holding the winning raffle ticket, but it wasn’t her, so she doesn’t care. It was Susan P (inserted by Roy)
Visit other local Rotary Clubs – it’s fun and counts as a make up!
12:15 PM
Capitol Plaza
Central Vermont
6:15 PM
The Steak House
7:15 AM
Waterbury Senior Center
7:15 AM
The Sugarbush Inn
12:15 PM
Grant’s Camp
6:15 PM
Senior Center