Granite Chips September 12, 2012
Posted by Carolyn Dawes
on Sep 12, 2012
A larger than usual group went through the usual song, pledge & grace (offered by Joe), then ponied up to the
buffet for grilled chicken, Caesar salad and brownies. There was much conversation and munching for the first
part of the meeting.
As plates were starting to be emptied and bellies filled, Roy rose to announce the “cup” side bet on his table, and
proposed a fine of 1+9 on all those not in the cup. Some explanation was due for those out of the know – the
“cup” is a side bet related to the raffle. People are invited to put $1 in the cup and the person who’s ticket # is
closest to the winning # gets the $ in the cup. Most people chose to put their dollar in the cup rather than pay a
fine, except for Billy R., who said he’s rather pay the fine. Claire said she objected to making a man of the cloth
(Fr. Daniel) participate in gambling. After discussion about the frequent bingo games at St. Monica’s, nobody
was prepared to take the objection very seriously. The fine passed and the few who hadn’t put their money in
the cup paid up.
After that long discussion about the raffle, Sue said she had two “orphan” tickets – tickets people bought at the
door, but left on the check-in table. I’m not sure if they were claimed or not.
Bill N. collected the fines, and said at the same time he would collect the automatic fines on those who weren’t
wearing their name tags.
Bill N. then proposed a fine of 1+9 on Ron – Bill noticed the Rotary wheel on the podium has a broken spoke
(the wheel is granite), and said those in the granite industry should see to its repair. Ron offered to pay the fine
without a vote, but we voted anyway and it passed.
President Jim said the charities budget meeting will be held tomorrow (Wednesday), September 13th at 5:30 PM
in the conference room at Community National Bank. The Club will meet to discuss the distribution of funds
for this year. All members are welcome and encouraged to participate – there will be pizza.
P. Jim gave an update on the $412,000 grant the district has received for flood recovery work. In our area,
Central Vermont Community Action Council (CVCAC) will administer the grant, and will coordinate with local
Rotary Clubs for volunteer support. The Club will also work on printing brochures and spreading the word
about how to apply.
Secretary Sue invited people to introduce guests. Roy introduced Lindsay Curlee, who works at Central
Vermont Home Health & Hospice. Lindsay thanked the Club for partnering with CVHHH on the helicopter ball
drop and said CVHHH received over $3,600 from the proceeds. Lindsay is a member of the Montpelier Rotary
Club, and she said our singing is MUCH better!
Sue introduced three prospective new members and noted that Bill N. has been doing some heavy recruiting:
ï‚· Joanne (Jo) Perreault
ï‚· Sandy Rousse
ï‚· Phil Gentile
Sue read off September birthdays and anniversaries:
Birthdays Anniversaries
Fr. Leo Claire – 25 years
Claire introduced our speaker today – Roy – who was all set to give us a powerpoint presentation of the Club
website, but due to technical difficulties, was limited to a verbal presentation. However, there was lots of good
information about what’s on the site and how to navigate our way through it. Everybody is encouraged to visit
the site ( Your log in name is your name (NOT your nickname) in the following form:
ï‚· carolyn.dawes.1428 (everybody’s user name ends in 1428 – pay attention to the periods)
Everybody’s start-up password is “barre05641” and you’ll have the opportunity to change it once you’re logged
Once you’re logged in, you have access to all sorts of material, including past issues of the newsletter, Rotary
International publications, photos of Club events, contact information for Club members, Club statistics, links to
the District website and other Rotary related websites, etc. Please check your profile and edit as needed. You
can use the site to send mass emails to everybody, or select just a few people. It’s a great tool.
Roy is more than happy to work with people one-on-one to help them learn how to navigate and use the website.
Just give him a buzz or send him an email.
The Club thanked Roy for his presentation.
President Jim said we’re still looking for a Sergeant-at-Arms to coordinate the schedule for workers at the door
and room set-up. Please consider serving the Club and your fellow Rotarians in this way.
Ron held the winning raffle ticket, and won a whole bunch of money in the side cup!
buffet for grilled chicken, Caesar salad and brownies. There was much conversation and munching for the first
part of the meeting.
As plates were starting to be emptied and bellies filled, Roy rose to announce the “cup” side bet on his table, and
proposed a fine of 1+9 on all those not in the cup. Some explanation was due for those out of the know – the
“cup” is a side bet related to the raffle. People are invited to put $1 in the cup and the person who’s ticket # is
closest to the winning # gets the $ in the cup. Most people chose to put their dollar in the cup rather than pay a
fine, except for Billy R., who said he’s rather pay the fine. Claire said she objected to making a man of the cloth
(Fr. Daniel) participate in gambling. After discussion about the frequent bingo games at St. Monica’s, nobody
was prepared to take the objection very seriously. The fine passed and the few who hadn’t put their money in
the cup paid up.
After that long discussion about the raffle, Sue said she had two “orphan” tickets – tickets people bought at the
door, but left on the check-in table. I’m not sure if they were claimed or not.
Bill N. collected the fines, and said at the same time he would collect the automatic fines on those who weren’t
wearing their name tags.
Bill N. then proposed a fine of 1+9 on Ron – Bill noticed the Rotary wheel on the podium has a broken spoke
(the wheel is granite), and said those in the granite industry should see to its repair. Ron offered to pay the fine
without a vote, but we voted anyway and it passed.
President Jim said the charities budget meeting will be held tomorrow (Wednesday), September 13th at 5:30 PM
in the conference room at Community National Bank. The Club will meet to discuss the distribution of funds
for this year. All members are welcome and encouraged to participate – there will be pizza.
P. Jim gave an update on the $412,000 grant the district has received for flood recovery work. In our area,
Central Vermont Community Action Council (CVCAC) will administer the grant, and will coordinate with local
Rotary Clubs for volunteer support. The Club will also work on printing brochures and spreading the word
about how to apply.
Secretary Sue invited people to introduce guests. Roy introduced Lindsay Curlee, who works at Central
Vermont Home Health & Hospice. Lindsay thanked the Club for partnering with CVHHH on the helicopter ball
drop and said CVHHH received over $3,600 from the proceeds. Lindsay is a member of the Montpelier Rotary
Club, and she said our singing is MUCH better!
Sue introduced three prospective new members and noted that Bill N. has been doing some heavy recruiting:
ï‚· Joanne (Jo) Perreault
ï‚· Sandy Rousse
ï‚· Phil Gentile
Sue read off September birthdays and anniversaries:
Birthdays Anniversaries
Fr. Leo Claire – 25 years
Claire introduced our speaker today – Roy – who was all set to give us a powerpoint presentation of the Club
website, but due to technical difficulties, was limited to a verbal presentation. However, there was lots of good
information about what’s on the site and how to navigate our way through it. Everybody is encouraged to visit
the site ( Your log in name is your name (NOT your nickname) in the following form:
ï‚· carolyn.dawes.1428 (everybody’s user name ends in 1428 – pay attention to the periods)
Everybody’s start-up password is “barre05641” and you’ll have the opportunity to change it once you’re logged
Once you’re logged in, you have access to all sorts of material, including past issues of the newsletter, Rotary
International publications, photos of Club events, contact information for Club members, Club statistics, links to
the District website and other Rotary related websites, etc. Please check your profile and edit as needed. You
can use the site to send mass emails to everybody, or select just a few people. It’s a great tool.
Roy is more than happy to work with people one-on-one to help them learn how to navigate and use the website.
Just give him a buzz or send him an email.
The Club thanked Roy for his presentation.
President Jim said we’re still looking for a Sergeant-at-Arms to coordinate the schedule for workers at the door
and room set-up. Please consider serving the Club and your fellow Rotarians in this way.
Ron held the winning raffle ticket, and won a whole bunch of money in the side cup!